Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What do you "read" in Newt Romney's Face?

Take a look at these faces.  What do you see?  Is it Confidence? Concern? Annoyance?  Arrogance?  Contempt?


  1. LTR/TTB: concern, fear. anger, arrogance, confidence, confusion. Comments welcomed. JTS

  2. Arrogance, contempt, and frustration mainly.

  3. Primary emotions I see are annoyance and contempt.

  4. I always make the same face as the other person. That puts me into the same (or similar) state of mind. When I wear Newt's or Mitt's face, I don't like where it goes. The word I come up with is "haughty." It's a feeling being better than other people and fully intending to let them know how much better I am than they. Point is, when you want to read people, sometimes you have to step into their face.
